Six videos to watch again (Témé Tan, Mr.P, Prince Kaybee...)
june 23, 2019 | By
We have listed six music videos that we want to see you rediscover.
From Mr.P's dancehall to Témé Tan's electro with "Tatou Kité" passing through Mister Leo's afrobeats accompanied by Salatiel without forgetting the Afrohouse by Prince Kaybee, this selection certainly has a summer accent. To listen and listen again.
In bonus find Afeto by Mayra Andrade and Showdown by Blinky Bill.
Check on it below and enjoy.
Mr. P feat. Nyanda - Wokie Wokie
Prince Kaybee feat. Busiswa & TNS - Banomoya
Témé Tan - Tatou Kité
Mayra Andrade - Afeto
Mr.Leo feat Salatiel - C'est la vie
Blinky Bill - Showdown feat. MVROE & Kiwango
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