With "Power" Muthoni Drummer Queen reminds Women how Strong they are (Music Video)
Take a massive plank, of the really massive kind, even a beam, and let it fall flat from a few sufficiently consequent heights, besides the noise, monumental, see the dust rising, see this same plank being, at the moment of impact, traversed by a vibration such as it twists under the shock. Take an uppercut, a real uppercut, or even a hook, left or right, in any case a boxer's trick, and film the impact of the fist in the face of the other fighter in slow motion, see all the flesh twisting, bending in a thousand waves... are you there? Well, with "Power" by Muthoni Drummer Queen... you'll be that face, you'll be that board!
On this striking new track, the Kenyan rapper that nothing seems to stop throws a stone in the international hip-hop game, sounds the end of the playtime for rappers in search of virility who feel obliged to take out their wallets to dress their pathetic macho lyrics, and their futile clips of half-naked girls, once again alerts his community, and the famous international community, to a problem that is more topical than ever, equality, and takes up the pen and the mic to pay tribute to the struggles, and to the women wrestlers, today's struggles, yesterday's struggles, and probably tomorrow's struggles as well. Make way for women!
With scathing lyrics, a good afrobass broth, and a superb video clip directed by Swiss director Mei Fa Tan, and featuring, among others, boxer Judy Waguthii, Muthoni announces the end of the party. It's no longer time to swing the pigs, but to put them in prison, it is no longer time to make grand speeches about equal pay, but to pay, it is no longer time to keep sordid accounts of murdered women, but to stop the meter once and for all.
Get ready for a probable new album in June!
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